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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  August 3, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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for the peninsula. back to you. >> keeping score at home it's officially day seven of the 2012 london olympic games. and more and more members of team usa basking in that olympic golden glow. >> gymnast gabby douglas takes the gold. raj mathai has her story from london. >> reporter: good morning from london. it's friday, bright and early and everyone is buzzing about what we saw with gabby douglas. when she was 14, a couple years ago she left her parents and family in virginia and moved to iowa to train for a better gymnastic center. these girls have an amazing commitment to their sport. we spent time wit gabby on wednesday, we spent time with the entire team. they are growing up so fast just this week alone in london. gabby douglas thrilled to win that team medal. now gold medal number two and bottom line, she was flawless. her individual performance,
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there was no debate. did you see it? her parents and people from around the world looking on witnessing the birth of a new american superstar. the first african-american to win a gymnastic gold in terms of the individual competition, and she said herself she wants to be a role model for all gymnasts. >> i feel amazing right now. and god has given me this opportunity to represent him and this awesome talent. it feels amazing to represent usa and my coaches and a lot of hard work and effort put into the gym. i'm speechless right now. >> congratulations to her, 16 years old. we'll see gabby back in the bay area next month, september 8, team usa will be at the hp pavilion in san jose. we'll see you later on. back to you. >> raj, thank you. what a night that was. more to talk about here. michael phelps swimming his last olympic race tonight after one last duel in the pool with his
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teammate ryan lochte. phelps and lochte swam side by side. and this one was all flems. he pulls away and wins the gold. lochte for silver. this was lochte's final race in london. >> i cannot be too disappointed because i am coming home to my country with five olympic medals. >> plenty of reason to be happy. phelps also happy. swims his last solo race tonight t 100 meter butterfly and will compete in the 4x100. flems announced he is retiring after the games and is looking forward to watching the other members of team usa in the future. more to see of him. >> a lot of people don't want to believe. one of our local athletes will be back in the spot light at the beach volleyball elimination rounds. kerri walsh and misty may-treanor play tomorrow night against the netherlands. the two-time olympic gold
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medalist. split up a couple of years ago. the pair got back together to play for the three-peat. >> i said you know, are we going to do this? like no, i'm done. good luck and my heart's not in it. misty had a change of heart. she had this emptiness inside and couldn't figure it out. it hit her. she said i'm not done and i want to come back and i want to win gold in london and my whole heart's in it. if you'll take me i'm yours. >> you'll be able to watch her elimination match on saturday night starting at 8:00 p.m. a lot of good energy. >> take me, i'm yours. >> to stay on top of the action visit you can look up all of your events by sport, by viewing time and find all of the online listings. >> new this morning you might
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want to braise yourself. your commute could get cramped. the agency launching a program allowing bikes on trains. christie smith is live with more on this. >> reporter: good morning, jon. happy friday. this is a big experiment for b.a.r.t. allowing bicycles in the stations and on the trains during the peak commute hours. it used to be before this experiment that let's say you came down where we are at the macarthur station between 7 and 9:00 in the morning you would have to leave your bike here. you couldn't take it inside on all but the richmond, fremont b.a.r.t. line. that is changing. the idea behind that, there were too many commuters going into the city to allow bikes on crowded trains. that's what the thought was. bu it makes it hard to use bikes and b.a.r.t. to work if you can't use a bike to get on the train during the peak commute
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hours. the bike program manager we spoke with says that this test really has the potential to be a game changer. >> it really expands the reach of b.a.r.t. on both ends. now you can walk a few blocks, you can drive to the b.a.r.t. station, but being able to have a bike on both ends extends essentially the reach of our station. we see a lot of potential. >> reporter: right now four b.a.r.t. stations have secure bike stations. you can lock them up and leave them there. common sense applies, though. that is that bikes aren't allowed on the first car and if you run into a crowded train you are going to have to wait with your bicycle until a less crowded train comes along. this runs every friday in august and b.a.r.t. is looking for feedback on its website. reporting live in oakland, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> an elderly psychiatrist -- thank you, christie. moving on in our newscast. an elderly psychiatrist accused of molesting patients will
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appear in court. last month hospital experts concluded that the 80-year-old william airs is mentally competent to stand trial. the 2009 trial hended ended in a hung jury. he was placed at napa state hospital. in court his attorney is expected to challenge the report's findings. >> investigators say a fire outside a apartment complex was no accident. the fire burned three cars and several trees. it started last night near the border with saratoga. no one was hurt but several amounts had to be equack evacuated. >> the san jose police chief says he has no intention of resigning despite some of his officers calling for a vote of no confidence. the officers say they are frustrated with the way chief chris moore is running that department and they say they lost faith in his leadership. the police officer's association
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board is expected to consider a vote of no confidence at its tuesday meeting. the city manager who is the only person who has that power to fire moore says her support for him remains strong. >> i have tremendous confidence in chief moore. i'm sorry that he is confronting this, i am disappointed but i have the utmost confidence he is a professional and will continue to work with all of the stake holders even those who might be turning their backs on him during this difficult time. >> off camera other officers telling us it's only a small fraction of officers who actually want moore out. >> a south bay realtor will be in court answering to charges she ran a ponzi scheme. investigators say jill silva convinced investors to loan money to homeowners but the homeowners didn't know about the loans. police believe she forged their signature, taking the cash and
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spending it on cars, expensive clothes and a home remodel. she even targeted her best friend in the scam. >> no boundaries. that's the sad part. she would steal from anybody, didn't matter. >> now homeowners are left with a bogus mortgage attached to their house and investors with little hope of retrieving their money. she is held on $3 million bail. >> to check that all important what is it, friday forecast. >> the weekend is here. >> good morning to you. maybe a little drizzle at the coast. let's take you outdoors and tell what you is happening. 61 in sunnyvale. we're at 54 in san francisco. 56 degrees, good morning to you in oak town. a beautiful day on the east shore. a little hot inland, livermore, the tri-valley, starting to cook. but a touch cooler than it has been. that's the good news. we're going to continue the
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cooldown into the all important weekend saturday and sunday. both looking comfortable m land. so it work like this. foggy at the coast, clear inland. the afternoon, not quite as hot, temperatures reaching the upper 80s. no more 90s on that forecast map and the bright sunshine stays, so grab those shades on the way out the door. cooling into the weekend. for today 78 degrees, 79 bay side and 68 degrees at the coast. micro climates are going to make a big difference in your temperature over the weekend. stay tuned to my full forecast. we'll look at that and that seven-day is ready to go. 4: 4:41. >> we're looking over to 580 i saw slowing in the commute direction as you come past greenville into livermore. we had debris, that has cleared. slowing eastbound but not a concern, that should be cleared as well. no incidents between livermore and pleasanton for a pleasant
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drive. we get a live look outside. through fremont near the top of the screen, 880 moves nicely here. a live look across the bay as we get to the foster city side of the san mateo bridge, that's the commute direction, easy drive across the bridge to 101. 101 through palo alto, the peninsula drive, sorry, san jose, 101 through san jose with 680, we see a smooth flow of traffic. no delays from san jose up into cupertino. >> looks good. >> we like the smooth flow. up next, looks like something from a sci-fi movie. but this secret sub is for real and it's not too far away. a story only here on nbc bay area. >> plus t search for e.t. taking a step forward. what nasa hopes to find as it lands a rover on mars. >> phone home. why would an olympic champion auction off his gold medal. a selfless story from a bay area athlete. ????????????????????????????????
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>> welcome back everybody. we take you outside, a live shot over san jose. i must reveal that laura garcia-cannon here was humming do you know the way to san jose.
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beautiful melody to get day started. >> 4:45 as you mentioned. a piece of military history has long been a skrext it's hidinging out on treasure island. bay ship and yacht recently bought the hughes mining barge. it's a submersible barge the size of a football field. it's getting lots of attention, the most fascinating part is what is inside. the barge is holding the recently declassified sea shadow, a stelth ship. >> they had reflective panels on it. it had a low infrared signature. they had chillers inside that would cool the exhaust. it was cool, very quiet. >> allen cameron paid the navy $2.5 million for the pair but had to agree to scrap the sea shadow. the barge will be used as a dry dock. >> interesting.
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from deep in the sea to out of this world. nasa getting set for a milestone, the landing of a new mars rover. >> nasa released this animation on youtube demonstrating the curiosity's landing, it's scheduled to land on the red planet sunday night. scientists hope that it will help them find signs of life on mars. >> look forward to that. well, a trading glitch on wall street caused a bit of a nightmare for some investors. for that and the rest of the news before the bell we turn it over to jackie deangelis. good morning. >> good morning, jon. the nightmare on wall street continues, earlier this week a computer glitch sparked volatile trading in 140 individual stocks. since then the firm has tumbled from being a billion dollar market cap company to 253 million. night capital says the problem has been fixed and despite a $440 million pre-tax loss it
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remains in compliance with capital regulations. the futures are higher this morning after stocks closed down across the board on thursday, once again off of news out of europe. european central bank president failed to take immediate action to contain the debt crisis, disappointing investors. the dow dropped to 12,878, the nasdaq falling 10 points to close at 2909. hopeful markets watching the all important jobs number due out this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. economists expecting to see 95,000 jobs added in july versus the 80,000 in june. the question of the day, are the iphone 5 rumors true. the buzz fueled by sharp, the company said it's going to start shipping screens for the new apple iphone later this month. according to reports the screens will be thinner with new touch screen technology. apple is expected to release ahead of the pre-christmas
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shopping season. >> they are wise about timing. thank you very much. >> i keep breaking mine. second one. >> shatters like every week. you're hard on things. >> i must be. >> triplets chew on it. >> i can't blame them on this one. >> good morning. we have a great looking weekend shaping up. temperatures are going to be perfect for your outdoor activities. you want to get them done. it's going to be on the warm side but we're talking about the low 80s trading in the low 90s for the low 80s, that's going to make for more comfortable conditions in your home. probably have to run the ac. 56 degrees in livermore. 61 to start out in sunnyvale, 54 in san francisco and novato, a comfortable day ahead, temperatures are going to be 5 to 8 degrees cooler than where we ended up yesterday, some cities actually hit mid-90s. livermore for example, and taking your temperature down from about 98 yesterday to 89 degrees today. so that's a significant drop. we stop the clock at 9:00 and
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you can see mostly cloudy conditions continue at that point from san francisco to oakland. it's clearing out earlier over the past couple of days. not the case today. the fog and low cloud cover is going to make for a cooler start to the day and cooler afternoon overall. comfortable in oakland, about 76 degrees. 68 in san francisco. 70 in santa cruz and 83 degrees up in santa rosa. seven days, we're going to see changes. 82 degrees, major dropping as we head through saturday. then temperatures kind of hover around mid-80s all the way through tuesday. we're going to climb wednesday into thursday next week. and overall the end of next week it's looking hot. so make sure you enjoy the cooler than average temperatures while they last. we'll talk about the weekend events around the bay area coming up. 4:50. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. an olympic comeback story in london. with bay area ties. cal swimmer anthony ervin will
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try for the gold in the men's 50 meter freestyle. he is back after a 12-year absence. he won gold at the sydney games in 2000, auctioned off the medal to aid the victims of the indian ocean tsunami. >> he's really i think all he has is some books and a guitar. >>-he's involved in the oakland undercurrent, a group that trains inner city kids to swim competitively. watch ervin compete tonight during our prime time coverage starting at 8:00. >> good luck to him. also tonight, michael phelps t the superman swimming in the 100 meter butterfly hoping for his 21st olympic gold medal. you can watch the highlights of the first track and field events get under way today along with women's diving and volleyball. then on saturday, more swimming
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finals taking place as well as track and field finals, and the beach volleyball elimination round featuring misty may-treanor and kerri walsh. on sunday women's diving and more track and individual and gold. >> 4:52. up next a less than olympic effort. why the america's cup race could have a poor turnout. >> no real effort needed, a smooth drive for the north bay. we'll show you where you might have to tap the brakes.
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>> welcome back everyone. taking a live look outside. sun ready to break this friday morning. >> i like when you say friday. >> i know. it kind of flew by. a lot more ahead. 4:55. >> time for a check on america's cup. we can tell you the oracle racing team doesn't look like it will have much competition defending the trophy. only four challengers meeting this week's deadline to enter the yacht race in san francisco in 2013. as many as 14 sailing teams had expressed interest, however, the sluggish world economy partly to blame for the low turnout. officials insisting san francisco can still expect a huge economic boost of about with $1 billion and 8,000 new jobs. you may have noticed the moving
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trucks. >> filmmaker and funny man woody allen here shooting a movie. work started yesterday in pacific heights and will continue for about a month at various locations from san francisco to marin. his latest work is a romantic comedy about a woman trying to make it on a budget after a luxury lifestyle in new york city comes to a crashing halt. the cast is rumored to include cate blanchett, alec baldwin and louis pekay. the film expected to be released the end of 2013. >> how about a perfect meteorologist for this one. we'll go to traffic first. mike here. >> what a setup. i'm thinking if we can get any of them to be on the morning show we could take the morning off. think about it. looking to the east bay, to the
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bay bridge, there is construction, 880 and 24 heading to this spot. but i want to point out the low clouds may play a factor for some. past the coliseum, 880, coliseum t a's play the jays this evening so prepare for post-work traffic if you're sticking around the whole day. across the bay, 101 through palo alto, an easy drive northbound, no delays along the peninsula. back to you, both of you. >> 4:57. still ahead on "today in the bay," raj mathai live in london with a huge victory on the u.s. gymnastics team. we'll hear from gabby douglas. >> track and field events get started all eyes on world record holder usain bolt and whether he can get faster.
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>> hard work and effort and passion and determination in the
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gym, just feels amazing to be called the olympic champion. >> she is amazing to see. what about that energy. what a golden moment for gabby douglas. we'll have all of the latest coming up. >> plus, gold and silver for the red, white and blue and swimming superstars go from teammates to competitors. >> a golden glow in london as the olympic torch burns on this friday, august 3rd. this is "today in the bay." >> good friday morning to you. thanks for joining us. 5:00. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> good morning everybody. i'm jon kelley. what a night it was phenomenal to watch, she jumped, straight into the hearts of americans and into history. this morning young gabby douglas waking up an olympic champion after winning that gold medal in the women's all around gymnastics.
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she is the first african-american gymnast to do this at the ripe young age of 16 years old. let's go right to "today in the bay's" raj mathai live in london with more on gabby's night. and raj, i don't know about you my man, but when i was 16 i felt proud when i got my driver's license. >> reporter: exactly. some people do more with their lives at younger ages, that's for sure. gabby douglas, you want to play words, frnl awake? if you rearrange the letters in her last game douglas it spells usa gold. this was meant to be for gabby douglas. >> very cool. >> it was announced during this break fast hour at least in the bay area, when you have your bowl of wheaties it's no longer the bowl of wheaties. how about kellogg's corn flakes. she is the poster girl. the new edition comes out asap f. you hit the local stores you'll see that. that's the latest news


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